Check 2024 Events for info on
House Tours December 8th
Phone: 902-295-0461
Email: vcmhcf@gmail.com
Office: Victoria County Memorial Hospital, 30 Old Margaree Road, Baddeck.
UTC open by appointment only. Call 902-295-2983.
Types of Donations
General Donation
Funds can be donated as a one time donation or set up as a monthly
donation. Funds donated will be used for projects of greatest need unless
otherwise specified.
If you choose to direct your funds to a specific project being funded by the
Foundation you can choose from the following:
1. Greatest need Projects
2. Capital Projects
3. Cornerstone Collection - Proof Positive Coins
When making a general donation you can choose to do so in memory of or
in honor of your loved one. Please be sure to provide your name and
address as well as the name of the loved one you are remembering.
Please remember that the Foundation may not know family members of the
deceased. So, please provide the family's name and complete mailing
address. To make your online donation click here.
Planned Giving
Planned giving is an increasingly attractive alternative, which can benefit
not only you but the hospital and future generations as well. A planned gift
is one that is promised now but not realized until some time in the future.
These gifts include bequests, life insurance policies, annuities and real
estate. Each of these gifts offers the potential for significant tax
advantages. Your support will enhance the ability to help provide high
quality health care our community deserves. When making a planned gift
you should be sure to consult with your own legal and financial advisors
about the suitability of this alternative for your own financial situation.